Hi Herd,
We discussed donating to a charity in summer. Tina asked for donations to the Mathare Roots Library in Nairobi she visited. I would like to discuss this in our next meeting.
Below is a link to the fundraiser page. It has detailed information on the program.
Tina posted this on Facebook:
Hello all long time no post

. You may or may not know that after my semester in Spain I have come to Nairobi to do an internship with a small community library in the informal settlement of Mathare. This community has gone through a lot in the past months … devastating floods, demolition by the government of homes too close to the river and last night a fire taking more homes. The Mathare Roots Library has been a sanctuary for the children during these troubled times. The pictures you see here are from a story time we held yesterday to hopefully bring a little joy into their lives. We were expecting 50 but got over 100 children … amazing! Along with the story times, songs and dancing we provided drinks and snacks and art supplies. I know that it’s hard out there for everyone right now but if you could possibly spare a bit of money to help us continue bringing this program to the kids it would be amazing! Our plan is to do it every Saturday at least until I leave on July 1st and possibly continue afterwards… anything will do. Anything left over will go towards more books and supplies for the library. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. Thanks so much!