Ham Radio Field Day - June 22/23

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Red Rock
Posts: 143
Joined: Tue Mar 22, 2022 3:32 pm

Ham Radio Field Day - June 22/23

Post by Red Rock »

Have you ever wanted to try out HF radio? Do you want to participate in a fun social event with other hams? Good news!! Field Day is coming up soon.

The Chilliwack Amateur Radio Club is holding our field day at 9363 Upper Prairie Road in Chilliwack. This is a large acreage and participants are welcome to camp out starting the Friday night before. There is no cost to participate or camp.

You do not need to provide an HF radio to participate in this event. The club and several of our members will provide radios for all to use.

Even if all you want to do is socialize and camp out, that's fine too. Let me know (by posting up) if you are interested in attending or if you have additional questions.
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