Greater Vancouver Motorcycle Club - Piston Run - Ham radio opportunity

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Red Rock
Posts: 147
Joined: Tue Mar 22, 2022 3:32 pm

Greater Vancouver Motorcycle Club - Piston Run - Ham radio opportunity

Post by Red Rock »

June 9, the GVMC is holding their annual Piston Run motorcycle event up the Chilliwack River Valley. The Chilliwack Amateur Radio Club is participating by providing communications. We welcome any licensed ham operators to join us.

Duties are generally quite light. We monitor participants at a number of checkpoints on or near the Chipmunk and Thurston FSRs. Bring a lawn chair, enjoy the nice weather, and put your radio skills to good use. We will typically use APRS as well. If you don't have an APRS radio, we will provide one.

Let me know if you are interested in participating.
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